Friday, August 13, 2010


As I am preparing to enter my second year of college, I realize that I am a much different person than I was the year before. I entered college loud and ready to concur the world. I go in now scared and unsure of myself. I've always been the kid who had it all together. I had a plan for my life, a very detailed one. Now, things are different. I feel so lost and confused and I find myself just hoping to make up my mind about something. I wish that things were simple. I wish there was a script for my life so that I could read ahead, find my motive, and know where I'm going. I wish God would just shout out "hey do this". A week ago, I was excited and thought I had a plan. After hearing others opinions and thinking what all could go wrong, I'm lost again. I feel like everyone is pulling and pushing me into so many directions and I can't find my way. I know where I want to end up. I just don't know how to get there.